CHES – Certified Health Education Specialist

The CHES examination is a competency-based tool used to measure possession, application and interpretation of knowledge in the Seven Areas of Responsibility for Health Educators (pdf) delineated by A Competency-Based Framework for Health Education Specialists. The exam reflects the entry-level sub-competencies of these Areas of Responsibility. Consisting of 165 multiple-choice questions (150 scored and 15 pilot tested), the CHES examination is offered in computer-based format at testing sites throughout the United States.   

Health Science majors must take the CHES exam in their last semester at Truman.  December Graduates test in October while May and August graduates test in April.

For more information about the CHES exam please visit the NCHEC website here.

For CHES dates at Truman click here and navigate to April or October dates using the calendar.